Infinitus Donates 6 Million to Support the Fight Against COVID-19 in China

公益 每日财经网

Isolation and helplessness can all be overcome because help come from all sides when disaster occurs. In the war against the novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19), many companies in various industries, such as Infinitus, respond quickly and continue sparing no effect to provide help to ultimately win this war.

Infinitus (China) Company Ltd., a company in health industry, recently responded to the calls and initiatives of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese. The company donated RMB five million to the Overseas Chinese Charity Foundation of China through the Si Li Ji Ren Foundation. As a special fund to fight the new coronavirus of pneumonia, the RMB five million cash will be donated directly to epidemic area in Wuhan, Hubei Province, to help preventing and controlling the epidemic. At the same time, Infinitus also donated RMB one million materials including hand sanitizers and air purifiers to Nanfang Hospital for its urgent demand for various kinds of protective supplies.

It’s not the first time that Infinitus reacts to social events promptly to fulfil its corporate social responsibility in the past twenty years. In 2012, the company set up a charity foundation called Si Li Ji Ren Foundation which is committed to carrying forward the core values of “Si Li Ji Ren (Consider everyone’s interest before taking action)” by focusing on public health, maximizing charitable resources and promoting the harmony and progress of society. The Foundation is active in the following areas: Public health, Poverty alleviation and education support, Empowering vulnerable groups and disaster relief, Environmental Protection.

In 2013, Infinitus launched Si Li Ji Ren Education Dream Support Program, which covers 30 provinces and cities around the country, setting up 34 classrooms and sponsoring 1272 students with an investment more than 21.645 million RMB. Up to now, 712 sponsored students have completed their studies and started their careers.





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