Now More Than Ever, Risk Management Is A Top Priority For Asian Pacific Nations

公司 每日财经网

As economic globalization continues to spread at unprecedented rates, the international business environment has become more competitive than ever. Companies are being forced to implement significant security measures to protect their trade secrets, otherwise risking being left in the dust by competitors riding their coat tails. It doesn’t take much for an enterprise’s success to be hindered – partners can supply information to outsiders, employees can be bribed and patents can easily be stolen. As such, businesses are now funneling millions of dollars into their corporate governance plans in an effort to protect the byproducts of what they’ve worked so hard to achieve. Beyond that, each financial risk they take is carefully measured and analyzed by advisors so as to reduce the potential fallout from any mistakes a company will inevitably make.

Given that Asia-Pacific has been determined to be the most natural disaster prone area in the world, companies operating in the region have to especially take caution in determining developmental risk given that $45 billion in damage was caused to its countries last year alone. In addition, the fierce competition between nations in the area has each one ramping up their corporate IT security and governance programs, in an attempt to deter any fraud and prevent financial risks before they happen. Duxes’ Risk Management & Security Asia Pacific Summit 2016 aims to help the region’s businesses learn how to protect themselves in the face of any threats or breaches. Set to be held in Shanghai from September 22 – 23rd 2016, it will feature more than 180 delegates from leading companies to discuss the latest development and challenges regarding risk management and security on a corporate level.

The event will provide attendees with the opportunity to hear first-hand about experiences in operational risk management and ERM, learning from recent case-studies within the industry. The summit provides an excellent opportunity for guests to better understand risk management and security within modern Asian Pacific business environments and to learn best practices within the field. The Risk Management & Security Asia Pacific Summit 2016 will be an authoritative event to attend to acquire important field information, meet influential like-minded people and run a successful and secure business within China.

For further information, contact:

Ms. Vivi Ye

Tel:+86 21 5258 8005 Ext. 8106


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