Grasp Billions of market value among Laser and infrared Industry

公司 每日财经网

According to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Department VDMA statistics, in 2014 the total output value of the global optoelectronics industry amounted to 350 billion euros and by 2020 will reach 615 billion euros. With a 2014 global PV market value of over 154 billion US dollars, it is expected that from 2015-2020 the market will maintain a 35% compound annual growth rate. In 2016 it is expected that worldwide laser sales will reach 10 billion USD. In the infrared field, it is predicted that by 2016 the global market demand for civilian infrared technology will reach 12 billion USD.

In the next three years, it is expected that China's industrial laser industry average compound growth rate will not be lower than 20% due to infrared market demand with the advancement and development of electric power, manufacturing, defense modernization, and rapid growth. Over the next few years, the average annual growth rate of China’s infrared market is projected to reach 20% by 2020 as demand for China's civil infrared market may exceed 10 billion RMB.

In this context, the China International Photonics Summit will be launched in Shanghai from October 26th-28th, 2016. The summit will provide a comprehensive analysis of photonics industry trends, and pay more attention to 3D printing technology and machine version. In addition, speakers from various associations and leading international companies will share the latest industry data and trends of the photonics industry, business insights, and valuable forecasts for the future development of the market.

On the bases of many communication opportunities, it will be a great platform for attendees to identify potential partners and boost your laser & infrared business in china.

For further information, contact:

Ms. Vivi Ye

Tel:+86 21 5258 8005 Ext. 8106


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