Azbil Obtains TIIS Explosion-Proof Certification for Multivariable Vortex Flow Meters; Plans to Acquire Explosion-Proof Approval in Key Regions Worldwide and Accelerate Global Expansion

公司 每日财经网


Azbil Corporation (TOKYO:6845) announced today that it has launched sales of the AX series vortex flow meters with TIIS explosion-proof certification in Japan. The AX series is manufactured by Azbil VorTek, LLC (Head office: Longmont, CO, U.S.A.; President: Jim Storer), an azbil Group company, and is sold by Azbil and its overseas subsidiaries and affiliates. The AX series already has multiple explosion-proof approvals including FM/CSA in North America, IECEx for Europe and Australia, and KOSHA in Korea. In addition to the acquisition of TIIS explosion-proof certification, it is planned to acquire explosion-proof approval in China in 2015. Azbil will further drive global expansion by focusing on hazardous-area installations in key regions worldwide.

Vortex flow meters are ideally suited for measuring steam and gases. In oil, petrochemical, and chemical plants and factories, flow measurement is needed for processes using steam and gas, such as in crude oil toppers. Measuring devices installed in areas handling flammable liquids and gases must comply with explosion-protection regulations which differ by country or region, and therefore makes it is necessary to obtain the required certifications for each region. The azbil Group has been actively acquiring various certifications so that the AX series would be used in hazardous-area installations of plants and factories in key countries and regions worldwide.

Guided by its philosophy of “human-centered automation”, the azbil Group is striving to realize customers’ safety, comfort, and fulfillment, while contributing to global environmental preservation.

Azbil Corporation

Founded in 1906. Azbil Corporation pursues “human-centered automation,” which aims to contribute to people’s safety, comfort and fulfillment and also to global environmental preservation. In April 2012, Azbil Corporation has changed its name from Yamatake Corporation.


Azbil Corporation
Masayoshi Kogai / Seiji Hara, +81-3-6810-1006
Public Relations Section, Corporate Planning Dept.


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