Toshiba Tec Showcases the System That Prints Personalised Recommendation Brochure at EuroCIS

公司 每日财经网

– A system to improve customer’s repurchase rate –

EuroCIS 2015

TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Toshiba Tec (6588), a leading provider of technology solutions announces its system which increases repurchase rate by a personalized recommendation brochure handed to a customer at a real store. This system will be showcased at EuroCIS, the leading trade fair for retail technology held in Dusseldorf, Germany from 24-26 February, 2015.

Recently many online stores apply the system to provide recommendations to customers based on their past behaviour such as browsing and purchasing history. Toshiba Tec has developed a system to provide personalized recommendation brochures printed at stores. The Personalized recommendation brochure enhances the visibility of recommendation, and it will result in increasing repurchase rate of the customer without depending on skill and experience of store staff.

This system is developed as the result of maximum use of assets of Retail Solutions Business and Printing Solutions Business which is the core businesses of Toshiba Tec. Toshiba Tec will contribute to maximize the sales of retailers through omni-channel solution.

The recommendation engine embedded in this system is “deqwas”, developed by Scigineer Inc.* This engine recommends optimized items to individual customers by using the complex network theory for analysing customers’ preference. And this system allows retailers to modify the recommendation in order to prioritize especially recommended items.

Toshiba Tec showcases multiple solutions which will contribute to retailers’ business at EuroCIS, and personalized recommendation brochure system is one of these solutions. To learn more about personalized recommendation brochure, please visit Toshiba at the EuroCIS, Hall 09/ B42.

* Scigineer Inc.
Scigineer is a leading solution provider of Omni-channel optimization and personalization. Its proprietary discovery engine Deqwas (meaning “discovery”) provides high-precision analysis of individual user preferences and behaviours, enabling effective targeting and recommendation, which results in improving a customer's ROI. Over the last year, Scigineer has attracted hundreds of clients, and made its debut on the Tokyo Stock Exchange last December.

About Toshiba Tec
Toshiba Tec Corporation is a Toshiba’s group company, a leading provider of technology solutions, operating across multiple industries – ranging from retail, education and business services to hospitality and manufacturing. With headquarters in Japan and over 80 subsidiaries worldwide, Toshiba Tec Corporation helps organizations transform the way they create, record, share, manage and display information.

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Toshiba Tec Corporation
Toshihiko “Tommy” Minato, +81-(0)50-3681-5528
Marketing Department
Global Solutions Business Group


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