Toshiba Receives Order to Supply Steam Turbine and Generator for Allen Combined Cycle Power Plant in the USA

公司 每日财经网

-Toshibas Cumulative Orders of Thermal Power Steam Turbines and Generators Reaches 100 Units in North America-


Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO:6502) today announced that it has received an order to supply a 472-megawatt steam turbine and generator (STG) for the Allen Combined Cycle Power Plant being constructed by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the US- government-owned power utility. The STG will be delivered in October 2016, and the plant is scheduled to come on line in June 2018.

The plant, a combined cycle power plant that improves generating efficiency by deploying both gas turbines and a steam turbine, isbeing constructed to comply with state and federal clean air act agreements. Among other factors, TVA’s evaluation of Toshiba’s experience, performance and reliability resulted in the order for the plant. With this order, Toshiba reached the milestone of a cumulative total for 100 orders for STG in North America.

Toshiba supplied its first steam turbine to North America in 1967. Since then, the ability to respond to changes in the market has allowed the company to build and expand the business. By anticipating and matching the needs of the time, Toshiba continues to win orders, and the company secured the top share of orders*1 for nine consecutive years from 2003 to 2011 in the USA. In 2014, construction of combined cycle power plants increased to replace existing coal-fired power plants, and Toshiba again won the top share of orders*1 by winning multiple STG orders for new plants.

North America is the important market where Toshiba anticipates further orders in its thermal power business. Toshiba will expand its sales in the business in North America by continuing to extend STG supply business for new thermal power plants, and by reinforcing its service business including maintenance and refurbishment of installed units.

*1 All share of order figures are on a capacity base and sourced from McCoy Power Report.

Project Outline:



Allen Combined Cycle Power Plant



Tennessee Valley Authority



Tennessee Valley Authority



Tennessee, the USA



472MW steam turbine and generator for a combined cycle power plant

About Toshiba

Toshiba Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company, channels world-class capabilities in advanced electronic and electrical product and systems into five strategic business domains: Energy & Infrastructure, Community Solutions, Healthcare Systems & Services, Electronic Devices & Components, and Lifestyles Products & Services. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Toshiba Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future”, Toshiba promotes global operations towards securing “Growth Through Creativity and Innovation”, and is contributing to the achievement of a world in which people everywhere live safe, secure and comfortable society.

Founded in Tokyo in 1875, today’s Toshiba is at the heart of a global network of over 590 consolidated companies employing over 200,000 people worldwide, with annual sales surpassing 6.5 trillion yen (US$63 billion).
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Toshiba Receives Order to Supply Steam Turbine and Generator for Allen Combined Cycle Power Plant in the USA

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Toshiba Receives Order to Supply Steam Turbine and Generator for Allen Combined Cycle Power Plant in the USA

Steam Turbine (Image)(Photo: Business Wire)


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