Adknowledge Launches Instagram Advertising into Its Social Video Marketing Platform

公司 每日财经网

NEW DELHI, India–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Adknowledge Asia, one of the world's leading advertising technology companies, has launched Instagram advertising through its social video marketing platform, AdParlor. The new AdParlor software extension allows brands and agencies to place advertisements on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter from a single, integrated platform, to produce key insights for improved targeting and efficiency.

AdParlor has already experienced impressive results beta testing Instagram ads. An example of this is a video streaming service client that has seen its cost-per-click (CPC) rate decrease nearly 50 percent in the first week of the Instagram ad campaign, compared to the cost on other platforms.

The AdParlor integration of Instagram gives advertisers a new way to connect with customers across all popular social platforms.

"Instagram now has 400 million users globally, so is a 'must have' audience for ambitious advertisers. We have proved in other markets that you can get a fantastic ROI for both brand building and performance campaigns on Instagram, and look forward to rolling out those learnings across Asia,"saidBen Legg, CEO at Adknowledge Asia.

"With 85% of brands managing an Instagram account and active users across Asia growing faster than on any other social platform, now is the optimal time to communicate broadly across multiple platforms for a more prominent, targeted campaign."

Currently, AdParlor is unrivalled by any other company worldwide in its ability to help brands and agencies develop, launch, manage, optimise and analyse Instagram campaigns.

One of AdParlour’s clients,Mike Constantino, MD of Brand New Mediasays:

“Brand New Media is elated to be one of the first Instagram advertisers in Philippines. AdParlor is the perfect platform for us to push the video content that we’ve been busily producing for our Lifestyle Multi-channel Network!”

Across Asia, AdParlor's enhanced capabilities for Instagram will support all available campaign objectives on the Instagram API, includingCost Per LinkClick,Cost Per Mobile App InstallandCost Per Video View. Staying ahead of the curve for social video advertising, AdParlor was one of Facebook’s inaugural API partners in 2012. Twitter included it as a beta partner in 2013 and now Instagram has followed suit.

Matt Sutton – SVP, Operations at Adknowledge Asiaadds:“Many of our Facebook advertisers across APAC have been asking about Instagram opportunities for some time now.It represents a welcome addition to an already powerful suite of options on the Facebook advertising platform.It will deliver to advertisers an extremely receptive audience who are motivated to engage with brands and transact.We’re extremely proud to be partnering with Facebook to make it available in this part of the world.”

The proprietary AdParlor platform is part of Adknowledge Asia, a digital advertising technology company specialising in using diverse sources of data to place ads via digital video, social media, apps and mobile. Last month, Adknowledge Asia announced its acquisition of Komli Media Inc’s South-East Asia organisation operations, making it one of the largest adtech companies in the region.

Adknowledge Asia, through its partnership with Axiata, is pioneering consumer-friendly, brand-safe strategies to use telecom data to better target ads on social media networks across platforms, including mobile. This opens the door to responsibly monetising telecom companies’ vast user data.

Adknowledge has worked successfully with telcos around the world to use their data to target consumers with the most contextually relevant and appropriate ads.

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About AdParlor

AdParlor is the largest social videoplatform that enables brands and marketers to plan, execute and optimise their social video and social media campaigns on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. AdParlor delivers measurable results on a large scale for hundreds of clients, including American Express, Coca-Cola, LG, OMD, Mindshare and Starcom. For more information, please

About Adknowledge Asia

Adknowledge is a digital advertising technology company specialising in using diverse sources of data to place ads via digital video, social media, apps and mobile. With nearly 150 employees located in APAC, Adknowledge Asia works with the most ambitious and innovative advertisers to unlock their digital audiences around the world. The company delivers ROI for clients through advanced data analysis, targeting algorithms, campaign optimisation and preferred relationships with major social media networks. Adknowledge Asia also offers brand-safe, consumer-friendly ways to monetise telecom data. To learn more, please


Mutant Communications
Rebecca Lewis, +65 9623 1094
Lara Kanga, +65 8650 5983

Source: Adknowledge

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