Amber Road and USFIA Facilitate Educational Seminar in Hong Kong

公司 每日财经网

SourceTrends 2016 Themed “Getting Ready for Growth and Expansion into New Regions”

Hong Kong –(BUSINESSWIRE)–Supply chain leaders and service providers will convene again on March 1, 2016 in Hong Kong to provide major brands, manufacturers, retailers, agents and suppliers insight into the challenges and strategies to prepare for increased globalization of supplier bases and retail channels – spurred by many factors including preferential trade agreements.

“We chose Hong Kong as the location for this event again this year because of its prominence as Asia’s major sourcing hub,” said Thomas Ng, General Manager, Supply Chain Solutions for Amber Road.

This year’s keynote speaker is Therese Randazzo, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Attaché, Hong Kong. Ms. Randazzo will share her deep customs and trade expertise with the attendees, but also focus in her presentation on the progress of the ACE Single Window initiative for US customs entry.

Amber Road and US Fashion Industry Association have teamed to deliver a full-day agenda with six panel discussions that address global trade policy, product testing regulations, China customs, social compliance and supply chain visibility. Each panel will include speakers from industry organizations along with of the industry’s leading service providers and consulting firms. Along with the support of USFIA, PwC Worldtrade Management Services (Shanghai), Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP), APL Logistics, Asia Inspection, and Amber Road are sponsoring this educational forum.

The event is open to any retailer, brand, manufacturer or supplier working in the compliance, global trade, logistics, sourcing, commercialization and management team for a cost of $1,600/HKD and lunch will be provided.

Amber Road is offering limited discounts and free passes to its customers and its close connections in the industry. Contact the event team at to receive a discount code. Registration is available by clicking this link

About Amber Road

Amber Road’s (NYSE: AMBR) mission is to improve the way companies manage their international supply chains and conduct global trade. As a leading provider of cloud based global trade management (GTM) solutions, we automate the global supply chain across sourcing, logistics, cross-border trade, and regulatory compliance activities to dramatically improve operating efficiencies and financial performance. This includes collaborating with suppliers on development, sourcing and quality assurance; executing import and export compliance checks and generating international shipping documentation; booking international carriers and tracking goods as they move around the world; and minimizing the associated duties through preferential trade agreements and foreign trade zones. Our solution combines enterprise-class software, trade content sourced from government agencies and transportation providers in 145 countries, and a global supply chain network connecting our customers with their trading partners, including suppliers, testing/auditing firms, freight forwarders, customs brokers and transportation carriers.

For more information, please visit, email or call 201-935-8588.

### Media Contact Joy Xu +86 21 5289 6777

Amber Road Contacts Annika Helmrich (US & Canada) +1 201 806 3656 Martijn van Gils (Europe & Asia) +31 858769534


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