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Technology Shannong,lead the future, to the world!


Gaobeidian Shannong Biology Co., Ltd is a scientific research company which Engaged in insect farming projects ,it develops strain breeding and new products researching. At the same time ,It is exploring in the field of biological health.


The main products of Shannong Biology Co., Ltd are mealworms ,barley worms, locusts, crickets and other insects series of pet food. Today, we all know about that mealworm is also called bread worm. It is an insect feed cultivated by Shannong Biology Co., Ltd It is rich in crude protein, fat, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and mineral like phosphorus,iron , potassium, sodium, calcium, etc. It can be used as high protein feed for carnivorous animals.it will the tasty food of the ornamental fish, ornamental birds, reptiles, precious fur animals and so on.

黄粉虫虫体价值极高, 黄粉虫幼虫含粗蛋白56.58%,蛋白质总量是肉类的7.8倍;它富有人体所需8种氨基酸,蛋白质,磷、铁、钠、钙等常量元素及多种微量元素的含量均比牛奶和肉类多,其营养丰富,用黄粉虫粉做的食品(面包、蛋糕等)味鲜营养高 。  用黄粉虫提取SOD作为抗衰老、防皱、美白等化妆品,效果均优先于现有的市场产品。现在公司主要对昆虫在医药和健康食品的领域进行开发生产,并成功注册了‘天力回元’和‘回缘’商标,面向市场推出了回缘牌爱心胶囊、蛋白粉、几丁质、氨基葡萄糖等高科技营养产品。

The body of mealworm has extremely high value. The larvae of mealworms contain 56.58 crude proteins, and the total protein is 7.8 times that of meat. It’s rich in 8 kinds of amino acids, protein, phosphorus, iron, sodium, calcium , other macro-elements and many  kinds of trace elements .That are more abundant than milk and meat.And the food (bread, cake, etc.)is made from mealworm’s powder has high taste and nutrition. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) extracted from mealworm was used as anti-aging, anti-wrinkle and whitening cosmetics. Of course, It has obvious effect that much better than other products. At present, the company mainly develops and produces insects that in the field of medicine and healthy food, and has successfully registered ‘Tianlihuiyuan’、 ‘ Huiyuan’ trademark, and the company has launched love capsule, protein powder, chitin, glucosamine and other high-tech nutrition Huiyuan brand products.


The company’s development is booming, while consolidating the domestic market, actively develop new markets, in 2006 we opened the way of internationalization ,the first mealworm cabinet exported to the United Kingdom smoothly, We got the recognition and trust of our customers. Since then, the mealworm opened the chapter of going abroad, the products exported to the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Australia and many other countries. Our company have fully affirmed and favored by many customers.


In the future, Shannong Biological Co., Ltd.will continue to explore, strive for perfection, continuously improve, realize the highest value of the enterprise, live up to the expectations ,earn foreign exchange for the country and let the world understand more about the industry of mealworm. We believe that the future of China will pay much attention to agriculture , the future of agriculture will pay much attention to Shannong.The Shannong company will go to the world and Leads the world’s future with technology!


平安津村合资公司正式成立 致力提升中药研发与制药技术


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